Signeasy Ideas

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upload_file Upload image
Add the same recipient multiple times in an RS
Feature request
In some cases, a document needs to be signed by the same person multiple times, as defined in the signing sequence. Today, I can define different roles, but when assigning a person to the role, the...
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Ability to view team member's documents as an admin.
Feature request
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Save details while sending documents for signature
Feature request
In progress
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Improved Templates
Feature request
Now, you can request supporting documents while creating templates with the ‘Request Attachments’ feature. This update allows you to predefine attachments and specify the type of files required for...
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Add comment on finalized document
Feature request
Under review
It is necessary in some cases that we need to put comment while approving the documents.
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HubSpot Integration
Feature request
Under review
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CC'ed Recipients should be able to view pending documents
Feature request
Under review
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Date/Time signed
Feature request
Under review
Could you please add an option for a time and date stamp to show when the document was signed?
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Force "Draw" upon signing
Feature request
Under review
Greetings, We are a firm of lawyers using SignEasy for already four years. We would love to see a feature that would enforce the signers to use exclusively the "Draw" option. This is basically...
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Deadline for signature
Feature request
Under review
We would like to have an option for the document to be signed by a certain date, essentially having an expiration on the ability to sign the document.
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